(910) 479-5809


Touching Lives Inside Out for Christ

About the Ministry

City Wide Reach Out and Touch Ministry is a non-profit, faith-based organization that provides outreach, support, education, and care services to our local community.  The ministry sponsors various programs, outreach activities, training seminars and workshops to assist those who may be homeless, hungry, victims of abuse and neglect, as well as disadvantaged and/or low-income families.

Vision Statement:

“And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23. In being obedient to His commandment City Wide Reach Out and Touch Ministry shall utilize established resources to meet the practical need of other while sharing God Word.

Statement of Faith:

We strive to help people know Christ but also assist with everyday life needs.

We believe that:

1. No one should go hungry.

2. No one should be without clothing

3. No one should sleep on the ground

4. No one should go without the basic essential sanitary products.

5. Everyone should have someone to talk to in their time of struggles (alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc.)